
What Is A Good View Rate On Youtube

Did you know YouTube is the second most popular website after Google?

In fact, there are 30 million+ daily agile users on YouTube every single twenty-four hour period. That's more than the whole population of Australia! And they're consuming a absurd five billion videos every single twenty-four hour period.

V billion videos!

Moreover, a study past Sprout Social establish that 78.viii% of marketers say that YouTube is the about constructive video marketing platform, beating Facebook, which got 58.5% votes.

And then, if you want to go noticed past your online audition, build date and delight them, YouTube is the identify to exist.

Merely it'southward not equally simple as uploading videos to a YouTube channel and expecting people to find and appoint with them.

Equally with Google search, a combination of paid and organic efforts is often the most effective approach.

Then, how practise yous become started?

Acquire how to nail your YouTube advertizing strategy in our ultimate guide to YouTube ads.

Here's our step by stride guide to:

  • How YouTube advertising works

  • Types of YouTube ads

  • How to get started

  • Advanced tips to optimise your strategy

Ready to get started?

Let'south go…

Why is YouTube skillful for advertising?

As of 2020, YouTube is the nigh-visited site in the United States and the entire world.

There are now more than 2 billion unique YouTube users every month, making information technology one of the biggest social media platforms marketers tin leverage regardless of their industry or niche.

If the massive user count solitary isn't enough to persuade you to include YouTube in your marketing strategy, annotation that YouTube users are highly engaged, watching an average of one billion hours of video every day.

In add-on to offering enormous achieve, YouTube also enables marketers to become access to advanced targeting and tracking systems via Google AdWords. Marketers can target users based on gender, age, location, and online behaviour, and so easily rail and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns.

How does YouTube advertising piece of work?

YouTube's biggest selling point is this: It has intent.

In other words, people often evidence up on YouTube with a need in mind, like how to necktie a tie or how to describe.

high search intent

YouTube takes a few things into account when serving ads:

  • Google search history

  • Google Advertizing settings

  • Other videos the user has viewed

  • Whether the user has signed in or non, which shows websites they've viewed, geographic location, historic period, gender, etc.

Ballpark for YouTube advertising cost

Every bit with whatsoever Google AdWords entrada, the price of YouTube ads involves bidding for placement.

When advertising on YouTube, you pay per video view. For example, if a user views your TrueView ad for at least 30 seconds or engages with your ad by clicking a call to activity overlay, a carte du jour or a companion banner, yous pay for that ad view.

On boilerplate, YouTube ads price anywhere betwixt $0.03-$0.30 USD per view, and the views that y'all generate will count towards your overall YouTube viewer count.

According to YouTube, most businesses start with at to the lowest degree $10 per day for local campaigns.

The following factors impact the toll of YouTube advertising:

  • The quality of your content

  • The timing of your ads

  • Advertising formatting options

  • Advertising messaging options

  • Behest

  • Targeting

  • Your overall goal

Influencer Marketing Hub reports that the average cost of reaching 100,000 viewers is effectually $2000.

Yous can find an in-depth breakdown of how to manage your video advertising costs in the Google Ads Help Center.

What are the different types of YouTube video ads?

YouTube offers four video advert categories:

  • TrueView ads

  • Non-skippable video ads

  • Bumper ads

  • Not-video ads (i.e. overlays and banners)

Let'southward take a wait at each blazon plus the YouTube Ad Specs you need to know:

#one: TrueView Ads

If you've always watched a YouTube video, you lot'll be familiar with those skippable ads at the outset. That'south a TrueView advert.

TrueView ads requite both viewers and advertisers choices that are tailored to their desired experience.

For advertisers, you lot simply pay when the ad has:

  • Played for xxx seconds+ (or ended)

  • Prompted an action (like a click)

If y'all're new to YouTube advertising, TrueView Ads are a dandy place to begin.


Because they're hugely versatile.

You tin advertise your products and services with different types of videos, such every bit how-tos, demos, testimonials and more.

colgate video ad example

Considering people accept the option to skip these ads subsequently five seconds, the most constructive TrueView ads show a clear telephone call to action correct at the start, like this one from Nivea:

nivea ad example

Another benefit of TrueView ads is they are very cost-effective. You lot'll rarely waste material valuable advertising dollars on uninterested audiences because they'll just skip through to what they went to YouTube to encounter in the first identify.

Upward to 76% of customers reflexively skip ads when they have the selection.


People who skip TrueView ads are still 10X more probable to visit or subscribe to a brand aqueduct than those people never exposed to the advertisement at all.

On top of that...

Those who actually watch the ads are 23X more likely to visit or subscribe!

According to SproutSocial, 8 out of x viewers prefer TrueView ads to standard in-stream ads, with nine out of x viewers believing that TrueView gives them a improve viewing environment.

Plus, TrueView ads reach a wide audience. In addition to YouTube, they can be shown on other publisher sites in the Google Display Network, depending on whether you choose In-Stream or Discovery ads:

A. TrueView In-Stream ads

TrueView In-Stream ads play during YouTube videos and can play in other places in Google'due south Brandish Network, like apps or games. YouTube Ad Specs for TrueView In-Stream are:

  • 12 seconds upward to 3 minutes (xxx seconds is the optimal time)

  • No word limit for ad copy

  • Clicks go to your website or digital shopfront

  • Companion image must be 300x60, JPG / static GIF / PNG, Max 150KB

  • Must be uploaded into YouTube

B. TrueView Video Discovery ads

TrueView Video discovery ads are like brandish ads. They are the recommended videos that pop upwards on the YouTube homepage, or as recommended/related videos on the search folio. YouTube Ad Specs for TrueView Discovery ads are:

  • No limit to the video length – people choose to navigate to these videos.

  • Accompanying display ad headline has a 25-character limit

  • Body copy can comprise two lines, each with a maximum 35 word limit

  • Must be uploaded into YouTube

  • Choose from 4 generated thumbnails

Check out this TrueView Video Discovery Ad past iPhone Commonwealth of australia:

youtube search

And another i from AHM Wellness Insurance:

prevideo reel eamples

In that location's one more than option you need to know...

C. TrueView for Attain

Introduced in 2018, TrueView for Attain lets you optimise TrueView ads based on campaign goals.

And then, rather than paying when someone watches your ad to completion or clicks through, TrueView for Reach provides a Cost Per Impressions (CPM) for shorter ads, and so yous pay per 1,000 views.

Your advertisement must be between vi and xxx seconds.

When would yous use TrueView for Reach?

It'southward a keen option if y'all desire to reach a large audience fast.

Samsung said that these ads helped them increase reach by 50% at HALF their normal CPM during Beta testing.

#2: Not-Skippable YouTube Ads

Okay, not-skippable ads can exist actually annoying. Merely the truth is people are starting to tolerate them more and more. Or, they are just doing something else while the ad plays.

It helps that YouTube has cut the maximum length from xxx seconds to 20 seconds.

The two types of non-skippable YouTube ads are:

  • Pre-roll ads, which testify before a video plays

  • Mid-roll ads, which show midway through videos that are 10+ minutes.

Y'all pay for both types on a CPM basis, so you have more than control over your advertisement spend.

When would you consider non-skippable ads?

They're a smart option if you are telling a more involved story – something that needs a little build-upwardly.

Hot Tips for Not-Skippable YouTube Ads:

  • Ensure your video is hyper-focused and showcases why your product or service is relevant to the viewer.

  • Make your ad message audible, so even if people choose to do something else while your advert is on, there's more chance of them hearing what you take to say.

#3: Bumper Ads

YouTube's six-second bumper ads are designed to drive more reach among the audiences you lot intendance about.

Recall of them as a less-annoying version of non-skippable ads, because they only last a max of six seconds AND appear at the end of YouTube videos.

Bumper ads are:

  • Ideal for targeting mobile users

  • Great for recycling longer content and complementing broader messaging

Like TrueView for Reach, you pay on a CPM basis.

According to Google, 87% of Bumpers campaigns drove an average lift of Advertizing Recall of over twenty%.

One tip for Bumper ads is to create a shorter version of the not-skippable advertizement, so remarket it to those who have seen the non-skippable version.

So, y'all reinforce brand exposure without annoying viewers!

Here are a few examples – meet how they are all under six seconds?

dancing bump reel ads

optus youtube ads

corona video marketing example

YouTube Ad Specs for Bumper Ads are:

  • Length is six seconds maximum

  • Image specs: 300×60 pixels, JPG / static GIF /PNG, 1KB max size

  • Must be uploaded to YouTube

#iv: Non-Video Ads

For advertisers on a depression budget, YouTube offers non-video ads.

Non-video ads are either display ads or overlay ads.

Display ads appear to the correct of the feature video, and include an prototype and text, alongside a CTA with a link to your website.

In-video overlay ads are transparent banners overlaid on the lesser 20% portion of the YouTube video histrion on the YouTube sentry pages. Overlay ads appear when users initiate video play from monetised YouTube channels.

Bank check out these two examples of not-video ads from Hootsuite:


Source: Hootsuite

General YouTube Video Ad Specs

Every YouTube advertisement needs to follow the same bones specs:

  • File Size: Max. ane GB

  • Frame Charge per unit: thirty FPS

  • Resolution: 640×360 (19:9 aspect ratio) or 480×360 (4:3 aspect ratio)

  • Video Codec: H.264, MPEG-two, MPEG-4

  • Sound Codec: AAC, MP3

How to set up and create a successful YouTube video advertising campaign

Step ane. Set your goals and metrics

What'due south the end objective of your entrada?

YouTube gives you iv goals to choose from:

  • Brand awareness and reach - To generate a buzz around your brand or product/service.

  • Leads - Generate leads and conversions from your YouTube ads.

  • Website traffic - Drive qualified (and ready-to-purchase) traffic to your website.

  • Product and make consideration – Generate more make awareness and put your offering in front of big audiences.

Your YouTube advert goal should align with your business organization goals. So, if you lot want to drive more people to purchase your products, focus on leads.

In one case you have your goal, make sure the systems are in identify to appropriately mensurate the Return On Ad Spend (ROAS).

More than on that later. First, let'due south ready upward your campaign…

Step 2. Set upwardly your video campaign on YouTube

A. Starting time steps

Go to YouTube and upload your video advertising.

Then, go to your Google Ads account to set up a new campaign.

Click Campaigns > +Campaign > New campaign.

On campaign type, select video.

getting started ith video

(Source: HubSpot)

Side by side, proper name your campaign and ready your video advertizing format – cull from the options we outlined before.

At present you're ready to enter your budget per day and delivery method.

Standard commitment volition evidence your ads throughout the day, while accelerated delivery drives views as quickly as possible.setting budget for youtube ads

(Source: HubSpot)

At present, where practise you lot desire your ad to announced?

B. Choose your networks

  • YouTube Search – this will bear witness your advertizing in search results and on the YouTube homepage, channel pages, and video pages.

  • YouTube Videos – this is for TrueView ads to announced as in-display ads or in-stream ads. As a sub-option, you tin choose for your ad to exist shown on the Google Display Network.

Create split campaigns for YouTube Search and YouTube Video in order to monitor performance separately.


(Source: HubSpot)

Then, prepare the locations by defining the location of users whom yous want the ad to be shown to and make certain to exclude whatever locations you don't want to be shown.

Next you can set the language and device for your entrada. This is especially important for mobile app ads, given that there'south an option to increment or decrease your bid based if the video ad is viewed on a mobile device.

refining the targeting for youtube ads

(Source: HubSpot)

Proper name your ad grouping and insert the YouTube link for your video.

Now for the final disquisitional steps.

C. Set your bid amounts

This is where you lot determine the maximum price y'all will pay for each view.

Go to the advanced settings section to set automatic start and terminate dates for your campaign. By creating a custom schedule for when your ad should be shown and limiting how many times your ads are shown to the same user, you can get the highest return for your advertizing spend.


(Source: HubSpot)

Then, name your ad group and insert the YouTube link for the video you want to run your ad with. Select whether you desire to run an in-stream ad or an in-display advertising. For in-display, y'all'll need to include a title and a short description.

Finally, enter the maximum toll you volition pay for each view in the "Maximum CPV" field. This can be adjusted to increment the number of projected views your video may receive.

Found your target audition

Consider this really advisedly – who practise you lot desire to target?

YouTube gives you a ton of targeting options so you can become super focused.

You tin target based on demographics, such as age, gender, household income, marital status, education, homeownership and more.

Or target based on the viewer'south search history and interests.

But mayhap the most effective arroyo is to use affinity audiences.

Similar to targeting interests, this option lets you find audiences who accept shown an interest in similar products or services to those you sell. This is a default target in YouTube, but you lot tin create custom affinity audiences which goes even deeper.

setting up your video campaign

(Source: SEMrush )

Permit's say y'all sell men's suits and want to create a custom affinity audience to attain potential customers.

You tin can add URLs or keywords (interests) that relate to your target audience. Then preview what that audience will await like.

Thanks to Google Adwords, you can also remarket to people who have interacted with your make already. This can help yous complement broader messaging and re-engage those who are already familiar with your make.


(Source: HubSpot)

Another powerful audience type available for YouTube advertising is the custom intent audience.

Using custom intent audiences you can target users based on specific keywords they have searched on Google.

The all-time way to get results from this option is to create Ad Groups with at to the lowest degree 50 related keywords.

Just insert your keyword list, and YouTube volition automatically refresh the audience to include all possible users who have searched for your target terms.

Step three. Track your advertizing campaign

Equally with any online advert campaign, you demand to runway and optimise your campaign to get the best ROAS (Return on Advertizing Spend).

The best approach?

Link your YouTube campaign to Google AdWords.


(Source: HubSpot)

Click "end" to begin running your video ad entrada.

Key metrics to rail:

  • Impressions: How many users was your video served to?

  • Views: How many users watched your video for at least thirty seconds?

  • View rate: What percentage of users who were shown the advertizement actually viewed it?

  • Cost Per Click (CPC): How much have you spent per click from the ad?

  • Price Per View (CPV): How much have you spent for each thirty+ second view?

  • Earned actions: How many users subscribed to your YouTube aqueduct, visited your site, or liked your video?

So, what should you be aiming for?

What is a GOOD view rate for YouTube ads?

Here are a few YouTube KPI averages to use every bit a criterion:

  • Average view charge per unit: 31.9%

  • Average CPV: $0.30 for In-Brandish Ads, $0.10 for In-Search Ads

  • Average view CTR: 0.514%

But these are just a guide – how much your YouTube advertizing costs comes down entirely to your marketing goals, audience targeting and your ad video artistic.

The most important metric to measure the functioning of your YouTube ad campaign is:

Render on advertising spend (ROAS)

This tells y'all if your ad campaign is actually driving real affect and revenue results, and lets you compare functioning between YouTube campaigns and other marketing channels.

To measure out ROAS, calculate:

ROAS = Revenue from ad entrada / Cost of advertizement entrada

Let's say you spent $ii,000 on your YouTube ad campaign in a month. During the calendar month, the campaign delivers a revenue of $20,000.

ROAS = $xx,000/$2000 = 10

The ROAS is a ratio of 10 to 1. So, for every dollar you spent, you generated $10 of revenue. For more details, cheque out our ultimate guide to ROAS.

Advanced strategies for YouTube success: optimising for the all-time ROAS

As with all digital advertisement, y'all need to EXPERIMENT. Use A/B testing and measure their performance to get the optimum results.

That said, at that place are a few tried-and-tested strategies you tin can start correct now.

1. Create an irresistible YouTube aqueduct

Make your YouTube aqueduct about much more than than just advertising. Create a valuable destination filled with content your target audition wants to picket.

Add product demo videos, testimonial videos, videos that answer specific FAQs, behind-the-scenes videos and more.

You tin also invite people to become a fellow member of your aqueduct (if you lot already take at last 30k followers). These members become brand ambassadors, with a special badge added to their profile to testify they support y'all.

At present that'southward what nosotros call social proof!

2. Pattern ads for MAX affect

The fact is...

80% of shoppers watch YouTube videos to enquiry products before buying.

Then, create videos for MAXIMUM IMPACT.

YouTube recommends using bursts of action and quick cuts to keep users engaged.

Not a whizz on video cosmos?

Discover a trusted video bureau or try a video content cosmos platform to become the all-time result.

3. Hook customers with remarketing

Remarketing is an insanely powerful tool in online advertising. And YouTube Ads is no exception.

Apply YouTube Ads to re-engage with people on your remarketing list and bulldoze them to your website for maximum adventure of conversion.

4. Make your phone call to action irresistible

With TrueView for Action, you have the option to add together a headline and CTA to your in-stream ads. This is your chance to generate leads and increase conversions similar nothing else on YouTube Ads.

You pay on a cost-per-activity (CPA) footing. In other words, when someone clicks on your CTA.

It could be to click through to the website, sign upwards, purchase now…whatever works for your business goals.

See how online copywriting tool Grammarly does it:

grammarly video example

This video was the #1 on Google'southward Acme 10 TrueView for Activity Ads!

Number ii on the list was

monday saas ads

5. Recollect like a search marketer

If you already spend substantial fourth dimension and budget on Google search advertisement and SEO, use your skills to make the most of YouTube ads.

We're talking nigh Custom Intent Audiences. Choose your top converting keywords to bulldoze volume for the all-time Cost-Per-Action and ROAS.

Then, rail conversions and then you lot tin can set the right bid.

Over to you

With 90% of ads on YouTube driving a lift in make recall, it'due south easy to see why YouTube is a favourite medium for advertisers across the globe.

And, now that y'all know how to go started, what are y'all waiting for? It doesn't take long to get up and running with YouTube ads. The real time is spent optimising your campaigns for maximum ROI.

Set to make YouTube Ads part of your 2019 digital marketing strategy? Find out how they work with other online channels to skyrocket your revenue results.

Download your FREE Digital Marketing Game Plan now.

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